ISO 200 | 40mm | f 8.0 | 1/250 sec

They say there are lands yet unexplored by man, sights yet unobserved by the human eye.  It’s crazy to think that in a world inhabited by over 6 billion people, there are still places on earth that remain a mystery to its inhabitants.  The deepest, darkest jungles in Africa, the various underwater caverns and byways beneath the ocean’s surface, and the slopes and ridges of some of the highest mountains still remain unconquered by man, reminders to humanity that we shall forever be exploring and discovering while on this earth.

It’s only in the last 30 years or so that we’ve known about the cloud islands, those lush, floating landmasses that drift from place to place with the rolling of every weather front and at the whim of the jet streams.  Often obscured by the clouds, those on the ground remained unaware of their existence until man took to the skies and began to explore the world above.

Since their discovery, they’ve become a popular attraction for balloonists seeking new and exciting destinations.  They truly are a sight to behold, and I can personally vouch for their elegance and beauty.  While I am not an avid balloon hobbyist, I recently had the privilege of piloting my own air-ship to one of the more popular islands.  Uncertain of what to expect, I was taken aback by the brilliance and utter grandeur of the magnificent landmass before me.  Covered by thick moss and vibrant shrubbery, and accented by the most brilliant waterfall my eyes had ever beheld, the sun’s golden glow radiated from the rocky surface and sparkled and danced in the bubbling mist.  It was a sight I cannot fully convey in words, there is no true description for such beauty.

So if ever you have the opportunity to catch a ride in a hot air balloon, don’t miss the opportunity to request a trip to the cloud islands, it’s truly an experience you wouldn’t want to miss!

Whew!  Just barely made it!  This was a pretty exciting project (I mean, it’s got hot air balloons in it after all!).  While this took me three times longer to create than I was anticipating, I think the result was well worth the effort.
I was definitely excited last week when I had the privilege to attend a hot air balloon launch in Prosser, WA.  It was a totally new experience for me, and I was excited by the photographic potential of such an event.  During the launch, I couldn’t hardly press the shutter button fast enough to capture every incredible detail of these intricately designed (and colorful!) balloons taking to the skies.  I truly felt privileged to be there to document the whole experience.
Possibly the greatest challenge I faced in creating this image was in making the islands look realistic (or at least as realistic as they possibly could under the circumstances).  Through the use of multiple color adjustment layers, foliage brushes, some fog, and a lot of image stitching, I managed to create an acceptable result.  Everything else was just composited together from various shots from my collection.  Just throw it all together, add a bunch of mist/atmosphere, combine that with some blur and lens flare, it should turn out OK in the end.  😉
Well that’s it for this week.  Be looking out for more coming up!

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